Upcoming Events & Exhibits

Vintage Printing Press Demonstration

Vintage Printing Press Demonstration

Our vintage printing press will be in operation and demonstration mode as part of the "Centennial Pastimes" being scheduled in this year of Lincoln Park's 100th birthday.

Member Garry Summers will be on hand to run the press as we welcome members who would like to see the vintage machine in operation, and invite you to bring printers blocks if you might have any to print out on paper stock.

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Lincoln Park Centennial Quilt Meeting

On Wednesday February 19th following the Historical Society Board meeting, there will be a first meeting for the Lincoln Park Centennial Quilt program to help celebrate the Centennial of our city this year (1925-2025).  If you are a quilter or otherwise have an interest or an idea, we hope you can plan to join us then – the meeting is at the museum on Wednesday, February 19th at 4:30 p.m.
Please RSVP here via email or call the museum at 313-386-3137.

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Lincoln Park Chocolate Walk

Lincoln Park Chocolate Walk

On Saturday Feb 15, the annual Lincoln Park Chocolate Walk - sponsored by the LP DDA -  will be held, with the museum once again a featured pit stop.  Stop by the museum for a bit of chocolate delight!
For those who complete the chocolate circuit of stops at Lincoln Park businesses that day, there will be a drawing for a GRAND PRIZE;  the walk/drive tour lasts from 12 noon to 4:00pm originating with registration at Park Restaurant.

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2nd Annual Gardening Classes

2nd Annual Gardening Classes

LP Garden Club member and master gardener, Annette DeMaggio.  Annette will be talking about growing herbs and making herb teas.  Samples will be provided to help warm us.

FREE (Donations to the museum are appreciated)

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to Nov 28

Gift Giving Exhibit

  • Lincoln Park Historical Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A special exhibit showing examples from the museum’s collections of holiday gifts from 100 years ago when Lincoln Park was on the verge of becoming a city.

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Veterans Day Ceremony

Veterans Day Ceremony

On Monday, November 11 at 11 a.m. we will gather on the museum lawn to honor those who have served our Nation in the cause of Freedom and especially those who did not return home, having become Missing in Action (MIA) or a Prisoner of War (POW).

Watch HERE on the city’s YouTube channel.

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POW/MIA 'Missing Man Table'

POW/MIA 'Missing Man Table'

On Saturday September 9, the historical society will host a program on the POW/MIA 'Missing Man Table' held at 2:30 p.m.  The presentation will be made by Lincoln Park resident and veteran Tom Cunningham.  Our thanks to Tom for sharing his knowledge and involvement with the program.

“The Missing Man Table” is set for the single “Missing Man” who represents the captured and missing from all conflicts, and has become a tradition at important military and patriotic functions. The museum’s presentation on Saturday, November 9th is given by Lincoln Park resident Tom Cunningham. Tom and his two brothers each served in Vietnam. Tom’s talk will throw light on elements of the Missing Man service, explaining the meaning and significance of each article on the Table and taking the viewer deep into the world of the POW/MIA issue. While there is no “official version” of the Missing Man Table Ceremony in terms of “correct protocol”, all versions of the ceremony strive for honest heartfelt expressions from the presenters’ perspective.

Watch HERE on the city’s YouTube channel.

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MC5 Celebration

MC5 Celebration

For both the lifelong and newcomer fans of the MC5, the rockers from Lincoln Park who helped lead the evolution of rock music into the punk era of the 1970s, the celebration of the band’s induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this October has already begun. Having epitomized the rock revolution with their rebellious spirit and revolutionary musical styles, the band has merited past nominations to the Hall and is being awarded in 2024 with the “Award for Musical Excellence.”

Sadly, the group’s last remaining members, lead guitarist Wayne Kramer, and drummer Dennis ‘Machine Gun’ Thompson, both passed away earlier this year. Fred ‘Sonic’ Smith, Rob Tyner, and Michael Davis had died in previous years. The band’s longtime manager, John Sinclair, also passed away this year. On Saturday, October 19, 2024, the MC5, along with a slate of other legendary rock honorees, will be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland Ohio.

One week prior, on Saturday, October 12th, the community of Lincoln Park will gather at our Memorial Park Bandshell to celebrate this landmark in rock and roll history. With activities set to begin at 3:00 p.m., DJ Soul Deep will kick off the festivities turning out tunes by the group and its influencers and the many bands they came to inspire. The celebration will include friends and families of the band, and the dedication of a tree next to the bandshell, where the MC5 performed in their early years together. A declaration of the special day and presentation by the City of Lincoln Park leads off the official proceedings. The release of “MC5: An Oral Biography of Rock’s Most Revolutionary Band” takes place the same weekend with book sales and signing by co-authors Brad Tolinski and Jaan Uhelszki. The celebrated artwork of photographer Leni Sinclair and poster artists Gary Grimshaw and Carl Lundgren will also be represented and available for purchase. An assortment of food trucks will be on site. Scheduled speakers include musician Tino Gross, who will serve as emcee for the celebration, journalist Peter Werbe, poet M.L. Liebler, and members of the band’s families, giving testimonials in the stage portion of the evening. Live performances by Sugar Tradition and American Ruse will carry the energy through the evening's twilight. At dusk, there will be a showing of rare films of the band. Our deep gratitude to Becky Tyner, Tim Caldwell and Adam Stanfel for their help coordinating this special tribute in Lincoln Park. It is an absolute joy for all of us - and you - to share this milestone here in our own backyard!


More information about our previous exhibition for the 50th anniversary of MC5 can be found HERE.

Our Thanks to Carl Lundgren for the art design with photography by Leni Sinclair and Emil Bacilla.

Here is a link to the recent Destination Downriver podcast that features a segment on the upcoming MC5 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame celebration here in Lincoln Park. Participants include former mayor and current director of the Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce, Tom Karnes; Special Events Director for the City, Stephani Davis; and Museum Curator Jeff Day.

A new book entitled MC5: An Oral Biography of Rock's Most Revolutionary Band, will have its official release at an event to be held Friday October 11th at the DIA. Including interviews and research conducted by writer Ben Edmunds over a two decade period, compiled and edited by co-authors Jaan Uhelszki and Brad Tolinski, the book is being released one week before the MC5 will be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.               

The book's release and concurrent Hall of Fame event was a completely serendipitous occurrence.

The new book will also be available for purchase and signing at Lincoln Park's celebration event for the 5 at the Memorial Park bandshell on Saturday, October 12th beginning at 3pm. This is event is free and open to the community.

You can check out the DIA event details by clicking HERE.

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Lincoln Park Garden Walk

Lincoln Park Garden Walk

We hope you can join us for the annual Lincoln Park Garden Walk/tour taking place on Saturday July 27, from 9am to 1pm.  The tour, sponsored by the Community Improvement Commission, will feature a selection of both residential and community gardens across the city.

Tour Maps can be picked up here at the historical museum beginning at 9am; all donations will help with funding the museum, a valued community resource.

The museum will also be open for visits from 9:00am to 1:00pm, when we normally open to the public.

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75th Anniversary Dinner – LP Rotary Club

75th Anniversary Dinner – LP Rotary Club

Our congratulations to the Lincoln Park Rotary Club on celebrating 75 years of service in our community!

Originally chartered on May 13, 1949, the Rotary Club is commemorating its 75 years with an upcoming anniversary dinner. The event takes place on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the hall of the Bethel Assembly of God Church, 2984 Fort Street.

Formed in 1949 as a local chapter of the international service organization – with the motto “Service Above Self” – the LP Rotary membership has included a cross-section of local business leaders and professionals. Beyond its goal of “advancing international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship”, the club worked at the local level to encourage the ideal of community service.

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Memorial Bell Ringing Ceremony

The annual Memorial Bell Ringing Ceremony of remembrance will be held on Saturday May 18th at 12 noon here on the grounds of the historical museum.  The ceremony has become a tradition in the Lincoln Park community, gathering us together to honor and remember those lost in service to our country and those dear to us in the ringing of the old Goodell School bell.

The ceremony precedes by a day Lincoln Park's John Dingell Memorial Day Parade held on Sunday May 19th at 1:00 p.m. on Fort Street.

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The Journey to Midnight

The final program of the spring comes on Wednesday, May 8th at 7:00 p.m., when local author Karin Risko offers a program on "The Journey to Midnight", which tells the story of the Underground Railroad in Detroit. This presentation is an indoor video version of Karin's walking tour (a part of her City Tours Detroit).

This lecture is free of charge.

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Annual Dinner

The evening features a special program by artist and Lincoln Park native Bill Morrison sharing highlights of his career as artist, illustrator, and cartoonist.  As we expect this to be a very well-attended program, early reservations are highly recommended. See your newsletter for more details.  Members will receive an official invitation in early March but advance reservations can be made anytime now by contacting the museum office. The member cost per person, which includes guests, is $15.

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Presentation on Clara Ford

Our second program of Spring arrives on Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:00 p.m. with a presentation on "Clara Ford" given by the Henry Ford Heritage Association.  A rare opportunity to learn more about this fascinating lady who did more than stand by the side of her husband.

This lecture is free of charge.

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Lincoln Park in 1924

On Wednesday, March 13th at 7:00 p.m. we will continue with our Wednesday evening historical society programming to which we returned last fall after a break of several years. The evening presentation by curator Jeff Day will focus on Lincoln Park in the year 1924, a heady period of huge growth that found the young community racing toward a vote for cityhood in early 1925.
Those in attendance will be invited to offer their suggestions for the city's 2025 centennial commemoration. (Many will remember this follows by just four years the Village of Lincoln Park centennial in 2021, which fell during the pandemic.)

This lecture is free of charge.

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Museum Yard Sale
to Jun 10

Museum Yard Sale

During the weekend of the upcoming Lincoln Park City-Wide Yard Sale, the Lincoln Park Historical Society & Museum will participate with our own Yard Sale on the museum grounds on Friday the 9th and Saturday the 10th – the hours are from 10am to 4pm both days. (no Sunday hours)

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Annual Dinner

Annual Dinner

The Lincoln Park Historical Society returns to celebrating its Annual Dinner and program after a three-year hiatus. The evening program is held Thursday April 27 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the Lincoln Park High School cafeteria. The program for the evening is a tribute by Ed Clemente on “Clemente’s Restaurant an 80-year landmark, 1930-2010”. Ed is the son of Ettore (Eddie) and Mary Clemente and the grandson of founders Natalina and Joseph Clemente Sr. Clemente’s began in 1930 as a pool hall on Fort Park during the era of Prohibition and the Great Depression. In 1933, following the repeal of Prohibition, Clemente’s was the first local tavern to receive a beer license. In the 1940s, Clemente’s moved to its location on Fort Street at Lincoln, expanding its restaurant and adding a bowling alley.

The evening fundraiser will include a special silent auction.

The strolling dinner will consist of 8 stations including several choices of pizza, side dishes, drinks, and desserts.

Pre-paid reservations are due by April 22: society members and their guests are $20 per person; the general public cost is $25 per person. Payments can be made online by way of donation, clicking HERE or by check sent to Lincoln Park Historical Society 1335 Southfield Rd Lincoln Park MI 48146

All online payments/reservations will be acknowledged.

For information or questions, please contact us at the museum office 313-386-3137 or lpmuseum@gmail.com

Clemente’s prior to its closing in 2010

Natalina and Joseph Clemente Sr, at the original Fort Park location, circa 1944

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Muriel Lobb Memorial Reception

Muriel Lobb Memorial Reception

On March 2, 2023, Lincoln Park lost one of its major supporters and its longest resident, Muriel Lobb, at the age of 105. Muriel moved to Lincoln Park from southwest Detroit with her family at age 4, shortly after the village of Lincoln Park’s incorporation in 1921, and lived her entire life in this community. Muriel was a true witness to history - and older than Lincoln Park itself, which celebrated its centennial in 2021, four years after she observed her own 100th birthday. Muriel had even outlived her life-long church, First Methodist Church of Lincoln Park, which closed its doors in 2016.

The Historical Society will be hosting a memorial-celebration of life reception for Muriel Lobb who served as the museum’s longest director until her retirement in 2014. The reception will be held here at the museum on Sunday, March 26th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. along with a special display in tribute to Muriel’s life.

Many of our long-time members have known Muriel well and are aware of her many decades of service to the museum and to the Lincoln Park community.  Most folks also know that the Lobb family operates the Flowers by Lobb florist shop on Fort Street. The business was begun in 1929 by Clinton Knoch, Muriel’s father, who operated the shop until his retirement in the 1950s. At that time Ed Lobb, Muriel’s husband, became owner/operator, followed later by their son, Dan Lobb. Today, Flowers by Lobb is a fourth generation family business under owner and operator, Amy Lobb Larion, Muriel’s granddaughter.

The family has suggested that memorial gifts in Muriel's name be made to the "Lincoln Park Historical Society" or to any cancer organization of your choosing.  While Muriel was blessed with living a long, robust and healthy life, she did outlive her three children - Dan, Jeanne and Ron - who were each felled by cancer. 

 We hope many of Muriel’s friends can join with us and members of her family to celebrate the life of this amazing woman. A Memorial Book, which will remain on view, will allow for memories and stories of Muriel's life and work that anyone might wish to share.

from left, Edwin Lobb, Clinton Knoch, Muriel Knoch Lobb, Olive Knoch, (woman unidentified at right), at Clinton Knoch Florist, in March of 1940

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Veterans Day Ceremony

The Annual Lincoln Park Veterans Day ceremony will be held on the grounds of the Historical Museum on Friday November 11, 2022 at 11:00 A.M. Area veterans, their families and community members are all invited to attend. The ceremony concludes with the traditonal bell-ringing in honor or in memory of United States veterans.

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Halloween Film Screening - Invasion Of The Saucer Men

To celebrate Halloween, the LP Historical Society presents a special FREE screening of the 1957 comic sci-fi film, “Invasion of the Saucer Men”, featuring former Lincoln Parker Lyn “Buddy” Osborn (1926-1957) playing the role of Artie Shaw and the movie’s narrator. Osborn - who’s seen in quite a predicament in the movie ad shown here - acted alongside Frank Gorshin, Steve Terrell, and Gloria Castillo in the classic drive-in movie (originally released on a double bill with “I Was A Teenage Werewolf” starring a young Michael Landon). The film, which runs 69 minutes, screens Sunday October 30th once only at 6:00 P.M. in the LP bandshell building at Memorial Park. Doors open at 5:30pm. Refreshments are available. Please no Outside Food or Beverages. A short presentation on Lyn Osborn will be shared prior to the screening. Reservations are not needed.

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Lincoln Park Centennial Anniversary

Due to the pandemic of the past two years, the 100 year anniversary of Lincoln Park, founded in 1921, was delayed until 2022. So, we are celebrating the 101st anniversary of our community this year, to be held on Saturday October 1st, 2022 at Lincoln Park High School. The evening reception will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the High School Cafeteria, located on the east side of the school building. Included are programming and special recognitions, musical entertainment, food, and a historical presentation on early Lincoln Park. The cost is $12 per person and advance reservations are needed. Payment can be made by check to Lincoln Park Historical Society 1335 Southfield, Lincoln Park, MI 48146; cash, check or credit card payments can be made at the museum, regular hours are Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Online payment can be made by clicking HERE.

Prior to the evening event, a Free movie screening of Charlie Chaplin’s 1921 Silent Film Classic “The Kid” will take place in the high school auditorium at 5:00 p.m. No tickets or reservations are needed.

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to May 28

The Wolverine Parkettes

A new exhibit celebrating the years that the PARKETTES notably led the Downriver area and Michigan in AAU-affiliated Girls Track & Field and Cross- Country, prior to enactment of Title IX and school sports for girls.* Featuring photos, trophies, medals, uniforms, and other memorabilia contributed by former club members. The Parkettes famously won the National Championships in Los Angeles in 1969.

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Chuck Miller: The Mobile Masterpieces Exhibition
to Sep 18

Chuck Miller: The Mobile Masterpieces Exhibition

  • Lincoln Park Historical Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

By the time Chuck Miller graduated from Lincoln Park High School in 1961, he was already obsessed with cars, having created models with creativity and painstaking detail. At 15, he won a contest sponsored by a local hobby shop by transforming a 1954 Ford two-door into a convertible “Rebel Rouser,” named after the Duane Eddy instrumental hit. As Miller later put it, he “got all excited” about the little car: “Cut the doors. Cut vents into her. Put in gold corduroy pleats, a TV, a telephone, changed the headlights, chopped the body, and won the contest. After that, I knew I’d make my living with cars.”

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to Dec 31

The Lincoln Park Centennial Exhibit

This special centennial exhibit will take a look back at the 1921 year of incorporation of the Village of Lincoln Park and will be highlighted by items from the museum's collections. The exhibit will run through the summer and fall. The museum is now open to the public, with days and hours of Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The exhibit will also be available online, so please watch this page for updated information.

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 Past Events & Exhibits