Tom Berlucchi, Chairman of the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition, will give a talk on the history and its current restoration efforts and programs for the Lincoln Park Historic Society on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 7:00pm at the Lincoln Park Historical Museum.
The Historic Fort Wayne Coalition is active in presenting high quality events that provide opportunities for the public to enjoy the fort and observe how it would have looked years ago when it was garrisoned.
Map (and building key) of Historic Fort Wayne in Detroit, Michigan.
Aerial map of Detroit's historic Fort Wayne.
The group remains busy in the effort of preserving and restoring as much as possible the structures and facilities on the fort grounds. In addition, the Coalition is dedicated to preserving the history of the Michigan men and women who served their country between 1845 and 1973 who either sent material to or personally passed thorugh Historic Fort Wayne as a place of induction to the United States military service.
Mr. Berlucchi has held the Chairman post at Fort Wayne since the Coalition's founding in 2004. He also serves the City of Detroit as President of the Advisory Commission on Historic Fort Wayne.
His career at Fort Wayne started in 1974 re-enacting in Loomis Battery and you will still find him today re-enacting as a member of the 7th Michigan Vol. Co. B.
This event is free to the public.